Rates, Dates, and all Information for 2025 is Coming Soon!
Early Bird Rates (Register by November 1st, 2024)
Subsidized Rate$5,985
Standard Rate$6,175
Supporter Rate$6,975
*Registration required by Nov 1st, 2024. Payment must be completed by February 15th, 2025.
Regular Rates (After November 1st, 2024)
Early Bird Rates (Register by November 1st, 2024)
Subsidized Rate$3,220
Standard Rate$3,325
Supporter Rate$3,690
*Registration required by Nov 1st, 2024. Payment must be completed by February 15th, 2025.
Regular Rates (After November 1st, 2024)
Early Bird Rates (Register by November 1st, 2024)
Subsidized Rate$3,180
Standard Rate$3,230
Supporter Rate$3,585
*Registration required by Nov 1st, 2024. Payment must be completed by February 15th, 2025.
Regular Rates (After November 1st, 2024)
Early Bird Rates (Register by November 1st, 2024)
Subsidized Rate$1,495
Standard Rate$1,550
Supporter Rate$1,710
*Registration required by Nov 1st, 2024. Payment must be completed by February 15th, 2025.
Regular Rates (After November 1st, 2024)
Early Bird Rates (Register by November 1st, 2024)
Subsidized Rate$2,990
Standard Rate$3,100
Supporter Rate$3,420
*Registration required by Nov 1st, 2024. Payment must be completed by February 15th, 2025.
Regular Rates (After November 1st, 2024)
Early Bird Rates (Register by November 1st, 2024)
Subsidized Rate$5,795
Standard Rate$5,970
Supporter Rate$6,745
*Registration required by Nov 1st, 2024. Payment must be completed by February 15th, 2025.
Regular Rates (After November 1st, 2024)
Sliding Scale Tuition.
Camp Shomria has always held the value of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need". This year we are piloting a sliding scale tuition model for Mosh Kayitz (Summer Camp). When you register you'll have the option to choose between subsidized, standard, and supporter rates.
We leave it to your discretion to choose the rate that is applicable to your family’s situation. Families may choose to apply for further needs-based scholarships beyond the subsidized rate. A tax receipt will be issued to families paying the supporter rate for the difference between the standard and supporter rates.
As a general guideline, subsidized rates are for families who are having trouble meeting their basic needs, standard rates are for families who are able to meet their basic needs, and supporter rates are for families who are able to meet their basic needs, some extras and have the ability to help keep camp as affordable as possible by making a donation along with their tuition.
We leave it to your discretion to choose the rate that is applicable to your family’s situation. Families may choose to apply for further needs-based scholarships beyond the subsidized rate. A tax receipt will be issued to families paying the supporter rate for the difference between the standard and supporter rates.
As a general guideline, subsidized rates are for families who are having trouble meeting their basic needs, standard rates are for families who are able to meet their basic needs, and supporter rates are for families who are able to meet their basic needs, some extras and have the ability to help keep camp as affordable as possible by making a donation along with their tuition.
Explore our 2025 Sessions.
Full Summer | Sunday June 29th - Sunday July 27th, 2025
Join us for the month of July and experience everything Camp Shomria has to offer. This session is open to new and returning campers in Grades 3-9 in the 2024/25 school year.
2 Weeks A | Sunday June 29th - Sunday July 13th, 2025
Join us for the first two weeks of July for a taste of Camp Shomria. This session is open to new campers in Grades 3-9 and returning campers in Grades 3-6 in the 2024/25 school year.
2 Weeks B | Sunday July 13th - Sunday July 27th, 2025
Need some time to settle into your summer or have other plans when school's out? Join us for the back half of July for a great two-week taste of Camp Shomria! This session is open to new campers in Grades 3-9 and returning campers in Grades 3-6 in the 2024/25 school year.
Shoresh | Sunday June 29th - Sunday July 6th, 2025
Shoresh means roots! Start growing your Camp Shomria roots by joining us for this special 1-week taster program exclusive to campers in Grades 1 and 2 in the 2024/25 school year.
Shoresh Extended | Sunday June 29th - Sunday July 13th, 2025
Looking for a longer stay? Campers in Grade 2 in the 2024/25 school year are eligible to join our two-week extended Shoresh program.
Yedid (Leadership Program) | Sunday June 29th - Saturday July 27th, 2024
Join us for a special leadership training program! The Yedid year is the transition from camper to staff and is an incredible experience for campers in Grade 10 in the 2024/25 school year. (Ask us about the Yedid Trip following your time at camp!)
All prices include HST
A $500 deposit is due along with your application for all sessions. Application is not considered complete until we have received your deposit. $250 from the deposit will be non-refundable, regardless of circumstances, to cover administrative costs associated with withdrawn registration. $250 from the deposit will be refundable until February 15th. Cancellation after February 15th will result in the full loss of your deposit. Registration after February 15th means that your deposit is non-refundable in full.
Payments may be made by e-transfer or credit card. Please note that there is a 2.1% processing fee for payments made by credit card. If you would like to pay by cheque or paypal (international campers only) please contact our office. Payment can be made in full along with your deposit at the time of registration or split into four equal payments. Extended payment plans may be possible to arrange - please contact our office to learn more. All payments must be completed in full by April 15th regardless of registration date.
Early Bird Discount:
Please note that to take advantage of our Early Bird rate, you must register for camp by November 1st, 2024 and pay in full by February 15th, 2025.
Late Registration:
Please note that there is a $200 fee for late registration (after April 15th).
Referral Rewards:
We encourage you to take advantage of our referral rewards program. When you recruit new campers, you will receive a $100 credit for each week of camp they attend. You can also host a parlour (info session) and get an additional $100 credit just for hosting!
Sibling Discounts:
Attending camp is a great opportunity for siblings to connect in new ways and bond over their shared camp experience. If you are sending multiple children from the same household to camp, you likely qualify for our siblings discounts: $55 per camper registered for a one-week session; $70 per camper registered for a two-week session; $100 per camper registered for a four week session.
Additional Charges:
Occasionally, there may be additional charges for specific things, usually things such as medical prescriptions, lice treatments, medical care not covered by OHIP, etc. In this case, the camp will cover the cost and request reimbursement. Please ensure that you remit payment in a timely manner.
Cancellation and Refunds:
Our operating costs are by and large fixed for the season by the time we hit spring. If a camper withdraws between March 31st and May 31st, an additional $500 (plus the $500 deposit) will be forfeited to the camp. If a camper withdraws for any reason on or after June 1st, the entire camp fee will be forfeited.
Once a camper arrives at camp, no refunds will be issued in the case that your child leaves camp early or misses days of camp for any reason*. Any additional transportation provided by the camp shall be an additional charge. This policy enables us to continue keeping camp affordable, invest in our programming, site, and staff, and provide needs-based support to reduce access barriers to camp.
*The only exception to this policy is in the rare situation that a camper is sent home for medical reasons. In this circumstance, and at the discretion of the camp, a partial refund of up to 35% of the daily tuition paid for missed days may be issued at the end of the camp season.
Campers may choose to extend their stay while already at camp by mutual agreement between the camper, parents, and Camp Shomria leadership. If your camper extends from two weeks to three weeks, you will be charged for an additional week of camp at the same rate. If your camper extends from two weeks to four weeks, your account will be changed to reflect a four week session and you will be charged the balance owed. If a family has received the Early Bird Discount, the discount will be applied to any added weeks. Needs-based scholarships may or may not be available for extensions at the same rate, or at all, depending on the remaining pool of scholarship funds.
Group Size: We believe that the best camper experience is when their core group (Kvutza) is between 12-20 campers. To support this social experience, we may combine grades (ie. Grades 8 and 9) based on final registration numbers closer to the summer.
Camper Forms: Camper forms are a key tool for us to best support your child/ren at camp. ALL forms must be completed and submitted by June 1st.
A $500 deposit is due along with your application for all sessions. Application is not considered complete until we have received your deposit. $250 from the deposit will be non-refundable, regardless of circumstances, to cover administrative costs associated with withdrawn registration. $250 from the deposit will be refundable until February 15th. Cancellation after February 15th will result in the full loss of your deposit. Registration after February 15th means that your deposit is non-refundable in full.
Payments may be made by e-transfer or credit card. Please note that there is a 2.1% processing fee for payments made by credit card. If you would like to pay by cheque or paypal (international campers only) please contact our office. Payment can be made in full along with your deposit at the time of registration or split into four equal payments. Extended payment plans may be possible to arrange - please contact our office to learn more. All payments must be completed in full by April 15th regardless of registration date.
Early Bird Discount:
Please note that to take advantage of our Early Bird rate, you must register for camp by November 1st, 2024 and pay in full by February 15th, 2025.
Late Registration:
Please note that there is a $200 fee for late registration (after April 15th).
Referral Rewards:
We encourage you to take advantage of our referral rewards program. When you recruit new campers, you will receive a $100 credit for each week of camp they attend. You can also host a parlour (info session) and get an additional $100 credit just for hosting!
Sibling Discounts:
Attending camp is a great opportunity for siblings to connect in new ways and bond over their shared camp experience. If you are sending multiple children from the same household to camp, you likely qualify for our siblings discounts: $55 per camper registered for a one-week session; $70 per camper registered for a two-week session; $100 per camper registered for a four week session.
Additional Charges:
Occasionally, there may be additional charges for specific things, usually things such as medical prescriptions, lice treatments, medical care not covered by OHIP, etc. In this case, the camp will cover the cost and request reimbursement. Please ensure that you remit payment in a timely manner.
Cancellation and Refunds:
Our operating costs are by and large fixed for the season by the time we hit spring. If a camper withdraws between March 31st and May 31st, an additional $500 (plus the $500 deposit) will be forfeited to the camp. If a camper withdraws for any reason on or after June 1st, the entire camp fee will be forfeited.
Once a camper arrives at camp, no refunds will be issued in the case that your child leaves camp early or misses days of camp for any reason*. Any additional transportation provided by the camp shall be an additional charge. This policy enables us to continue keeping camp affordable, invest in our programming, site, and staff, and provide needs-based support to reduce access barriers to camp.
*The only exception to this policy is in the rare situation that a camper is sent home for medical reasons. In this circumstance, and at the discretion of the camp, a partial refund of up to 35% of the daily tuition paid for missed days may be issued at the end of the camp season.
Campers may choose to extend their stay while already at camp by mutual agreement between the camper, parents, and Camp Shomria leadership. If your camper extends from two weeks to three weeks, you will be charged for an additional week of camp at the same rate. If your camper extends from two weeks to four weeks, your account will be changed to reflect a four week session and you will be charged the balance owed. If a family has received the Early Bird Discount, the discount will be applied to any added weeks. Needs-based scholarships may or may not be available for extensions at the same rate, or at all, depending on the remaining pool of scholarship funds.
Group Size: We believe that the best camper experience is when their core group (Kvutza) is between 12-20 campers. To support this social experience, we may combine grades (ie. Grades 8 and 9) based on final registration numbers closer to the summer.
Camper Forms: Camper forms are a key tool for us to best support your child/ren at camp. ALL forms must be completed and submitted by June 1st.